Age Requirements for Dental ImplantsIf you are missing teeth and are feeling a bit self-conscious about your smile, then you have probably begun to research how advantageous getting dental implants may be for your situation. (more…)

There Has Never Been A Better Time To Get Your Dentures Repaired Than NowContinually wearing loose dentures is just asking for trouble. When the device fits nice and snug, it almost feels as if natural teeth are still in the mouth. However, many things can attribute to the apparatus not sitting correctly. For instance, after a tooth becomes extracted and the root gets removed from the socket, nothing remains in its place to stimulate the bone or gum tissue. Therefore, deterioration and recession can set in, which will cause the dentures to slip, wobble, or rock back and forth. (more…)

Reasons To Think About Cosmetic DentistryCosmetic dentistry and improving aesthetics tend to go hand in hand. While it is true that the options will beautify your smile, they also make the bite aligned, which in turn, allows you to chew and eat pain-free. For instance, the doctor can install one or more crowns to fix chips, adhere porcelain veneers to existing teeth to eliminate spaces, or they may even choose to use white colored fillings to repair decay. Even people with the most diligent brushing, flossing, and rinsing routines are not immune from having dental problems. Issues that we can help with include but are not limited to… (more…)

Gain The Confidence To Smile Again With Dental ImplantsTooth loss can occur from a wide variety of things like sports injuries, car accidents, or even poor dental hygiene practices. Regardless of why the event happened, it usually causes the person a lot of grief. For example, they may find the ordinarily simple task of chewing to be quite tricky. The individual must avoid letting crunchy foods pierce the gum, where the tooth used to be, or suffer the painful consequences. Smiling is another everyday activity that most folks take for granted. However, when missing teeth become part of the equation, the person’s self-confidence dips, and rather than showing off the pearly whites, they practice keeping their lips closed tightly. (more…)

Dental Implant Failures Are Rare But PossibleDue to thorough screenings and advanced techniques, dental implant failures rarely occur. However, on occasion, failures do happen, but finding out why the action took place, is usually easier said than done. When successful, the titanium post fuses with the bone in a process known as osseointegration, which creates a stable, solid, and long-lasting foundation that holds the crown in place. The teeth are perfect for chewing your favorite foods or flashing a smile for a picture. The dental implant pros far outweigh the cons, so ask your doctor if they are a good fit for you. (more…)

Wearing Loose Dentures Can Cause Loads Of ProblemsFirst-time denture wearers often find the prosthetic devices to be somewhat uncomfortable. The feeling usually subsides after the patient wears the teeth for a short period though, and the person can eat what they want, talk without the device slipping, and smile with self-confidence. However, eventually, the dentures will need to be replaced. After the tooth root is removed from the socket during the extraction process, there is nothing left in its place to stimulate the bone or gum tissue and recession or deterioration will likely occur. Rather than being secure, the dentures will become loose fitting. (more…)

 The Benefits Of Getting Dentures From An Organization With An On-Site Dental LabPeriodontal disease, decay, and injuries are common reasons behind natural tooth loss. People with one or more missing teeth may find it difficult to chew foods, drink beverages, or even talk. There are a variety of options available to patients wishing to obtain a renewed smile. So, the first step in the process is to schedule a consultation with a reputable dentist to see which methods best meet your needs. (more…)

Reasons To Ask Your Dentist About Dental ImplantsSociety has come a long way over the years, especially in the dental industry. Teeth are vital for not allowing a person’s diet to become restricted. Molars, incisors, and canines each play unique roles in the biting and chewing processes. They ensure that a person can eat both hard and soft textured foods. However, when natural tooth loss occurs, the individual has to watch what they bite or face undesirable consequences. For instance, folks enjoy going to restaurants to feast on chips and salsa, but when one or more teeth are missing, sharp edges tend to jab the gums and inflict pain. (more…)

 Cosmetic Dentistry Options To Fix Smile Imperfections
ing at camera sitting on a couch at home

Many people in today’s world feel uncomfortable with their smiles. Things like gaps between teeth, broken, chipped, missing, or misshapen teeth, and even discolored fillings are often attributed to this view. Additionally, aside from just producing an unappealing look, the ailments can make essential everyday tasks like eating challenging to accomplish. Even drinking hot or cold beverages can become nearly impossible as doing so may cause a substantial amount of pain. Ask your doctor about their cosmetic dentistry options to find out what methods are available to you. Our Long Island practice offers surgical and non-surgical procedures that include… (more…)

How Is Sleep Dentistry Administered? For decades, one of the most dreaded experiences in visiting a dentist were procedures like extractions, or the procedure for implants, that could be very painful experiences. Of course, no patient was asked to endure that pain, so local anaesthesia was administered to prevent discomfort. But even local anaesthesia was viewed with some trepidation due to the use of needles injected within the mouth to numb sensations. Now we have sedation dentistry in Long Island, but how does it work? (more…)