Three Tips for Better Dental Hygiene

Plaque and tartar deposits on your teeth can cause tooth decay and many other dental diseases. Regular caring for your teeth is more important than most people would realize. Dental hygiene is of utmost importance in order to reduce your visits to the dentist, and save money in the process. Toothache and tooth decay are the results of poor dental practices, which could end in severe painful gums and periodontal diseases and possible tooth loss. This article will highlight 3 important tips for better dental hygiene.

1. Brush the Teeth At Least Twice a Day

Brush your teeth after meals in the morning, and before retiring to bed at night. Use the circular motion when brushing your teeth to clean them thoroughly. Use an effective toothpaste with fluoride. The tongue also should be brushed to remove plaque and tartar. Food particles remaining for too long between the teeth can lead to bacterial actions, which would start the decaying process of the teeth.

2. Floss the Teeth Everyday

Floss your teeth for a few minutes a day, and cultivate a habit of doing it on a daily basis. The toothbrush alone cannot remove all the food particles from between the teeth. The food particles that are trapped between the teeth and the gums cannot be removed easily with the toothbrush. Non-flossing can cause these food particles to react with bacteria, causing plaque and tartar. Daily flossing is mandatory for better dental hygiene.

3. Visits to the Dentist

Prevention is better than cure. Visiting your dentist at least twice a year is important in keeping your oral health at its best. Replacing the sealants and fillings, every few years is also very important for better dental hygiene. Dental x-rays are important to check any abnormalities with the bone structure of the teeth.

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