What are the Causes and Treatments of Bad Breath?
Causes of Bad Breath
Sometimes your bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by the foods you eat, your medical condition, dental hygiene and more.
Some of the causes of bad breath include:
Treatment of Bad Breath
You need to practice good dental hygiene habits by making sure you floss, to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth. Brush your teeth and tongue, with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, after eating. Avoid dry mouth by drinking plenty of water. If you have dentures or a dental appliance, clean it thoroughly at least once a day or as directed by your dentist at Island Dental Associates. Watch your diet to avoid sugary foods and foods that cause bad breath. Change your toothbrush to a soft-bristled toothbrush every two to three months. If you smoke, stop smoking. Make sure you schedule your regular dental checkup with the dentists at Island Dental Associates every six months so you can have your teeth or dentures examined and your teeth cleaned.
The dentists at Island Dental Associates will examine you to find the source of your bad breath. Our dentists will work with you to control your condition by making sure that you have no plaque buildup on your teeth. We will also check you for gum disease to make sure that there are no deep plaque-filled pockets of odor-causing bacteria.
If you think you have bad breath or haven’t seen us for some time, please contact us to schedule an appointment or you can call us at 516-565-6565. The dentists at Island Dental Associates will discuss your dental history and your concerns with you and explain treatment options so you can make an informed decision.