If your tooth has been fractured or damaged because of decay or has an old and overly large filling, a dental crown, also known as a cap, may be recommended as the best way to restore your smile that is aesthetically and functionally a solution.
A crown can preserve your natural tooth by strengthening and protecting the remaining bone structure, especially when there isn’t enough tooth to hold the filling, and stabilizing your surrounding teeth. They can also be used to attach bridges, cover teeth that are oddly shaped or discolored, and cover a dental implant.
There are several steps in fitting a crown. The first step is to make an impression of your tooth that will be used to make a model of your tooth and your bite. This is to ensure that your crown will look and function like your existing natural tooth. The decay will be removed from your tooth and you will be fitted with a temporary crown while your final restoration is being created.
Once your crown has been created, your temporary crown will be removed and the final crown will be fitted and adjusted, if necessary, to your mouth and cemented into place. With proper care and oral hygiene, crowns have been known to last a lifetime.
Clients Before & After Photos
There are four common types of crowns, including:
A ceramic crown is mostly used for teeth that can be seen when you are smiling. They are made from a porcelain-based material that looks like your natural teeth.
Porcelain Fused to Metal
Porcelain fused to metal crowns are known for their strength and durability, and also for a restoration that looks like your natural teeth.
Gold Alloys
Crowns made of gold alloys may be used when more strength is needed, especially for patients who tend to grind their teeth.
Base Metal Alloys
Base metal alloys are strong and resistant to corrosion. They are often used when there is less tooth structure available to support the crown restoration.